
Hotel Director
Since 2005, Ivan has been with Mona Ltd., where he has held several key positions, including marketing manager, hotel director, hotel development and sales director, and ultimately, Group CEO.
Corporate Director of Human Resources
Corporate Director of Human Resources for the Odien group, owning company of Grand Hotel Lav, i.e. Le Meridien Lav, Split
Cluster Director Human Resources
More information coming soon...
zoran lukic
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Croatian Association of Waiters and Bartenders, the largest association responsible for hospitality staff education, where he acts as a trainer and president.
Ana Gazic
Human Resources Manager
More information coming soon...
Blaženka Tomičić
Human Resource Director
Blaženka Tomičić, direktorica ljudskih resursa Sunčanog Hvara, profesionalac je sa više od 15 godina iskustva u hotelijerstvu i posebnim stručnim znanjima iz područja upravljanja ljudskim resursima. Karijeru je gradila i uspješno izgradila u Sunčanom Hvaru, te će vam kroz priču o svom profesionalnom putu dati uvid u mogućnosti razvoja unutar kompanije i predstaviti uvjete rada u jednoj od najpoželjnijih destinacija na svijetu.
Hotel Operation
20+ years of hotel and resort industry experience